24_C1_NON OU A VÃ GLÓRIA DE MANDAR (31.05.21h)
May 31
9:00 PM
Auditório da Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira

Duration: 108min

Capacity: 59


By the end of the Colonial War, a group of soldiers moves through the wilderness. Second lieutenant Cabrita, an History major, goes through other memories. From Viriato against the Romans, not to mention the African disaster, Manoel de Oliveira reviews Portugal’s biggest military catastrophes. “The backdrop to this film is the Portuguese colonial war, during which an officer tells his brothers-in-arms, while on patrol in the African savanna, of Portugal’s epic story, an epic built around great defeats.”

Directing and Script: Manoel de Oliveira

Production: Paulo Branco

Cinematographer: Elso Roque

Editing: Manoel de Oliveira e Sabine Franel

Art Direction: Luís Monteiro e Zé Branco

Costumes: Isabel Branco

Music: Alejandro Masso

Sound Direction: Gita Cerveira

Cast: Luis Miguel Cintra (Alferes Cabrita, Viriato, D. João de Portugal), Diogo Dória (Furriel Manuel,

guerreiro lusitano, o primo de D. João de Portugal), Miguel Guilherme (soldado Salvador, soldado

lusitano, soldado de Alcácer Quibir), Luís Lucas (Cabo Brito, guerreiro lusitano, nobre de Alcácer

Quibir), Carlos Gomes (Soldado Pedro, soldado de Alcácer Quibir), António Sequeira Lopes (Furriel,

guerreiro lusitano, guerreiro de Alcácer Quibir), Lola Forner (Princesa D. Isabel), Raul Fraire (D. Afonso,

guerreiro de Alcácer Quibir), Ruy de Carvalho (Pregador do Sermão nas exéquias de D. Afonso),

Teresa Meneses (Dione), Leonor Silveira (Tethys) e Mateus Lorena (D. Sebastião).

Production: Madragoa Filmes (Lisboa), Tornasol Filmes (Madrid), Gemini Films (Paris) e SGGC (Paris)

Copy: 35mm, cor, a exibir em formato DCP

Lenght: 108 minutos

Premiere: Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cannes, May 1990

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