24_AP07.1_"S-P-H-Y-MO de Coral Coral" (31MAI)
May 31
10:30 PM
S-P-H-Y-M-O by Cobra Coral & Cia Instável

Duration: 60min

Capacity: 120


S-P-H-Y-M-O, a site-specific sound performance piece for 18 voices composed by COBRACORAL for the FAICC Program students organized by Companhia Instável, is structured around the repetition of rhythm and melodic patterns, that arise from the pulse determined by breathing and that are developed in gestures, movement and voice. From the interaction between synchrony and imbalance the collective, individual and kaleidoscopic body is revealed, alternating between polyphonic and heterophonic textures.

Cobra Coral: Catarina Miranda, Clélia Colonna, Ece Canli

FAICC Performers: Ana Olcina, Artur Bóndia, Beatriz Lourenço, Carina Hofmann, Eiby Lobos, Felipe

Contreras, Joana Correia, José Couteiro, Kosma Bresson, Margot Thuillier, Marine Perruchoud, Marta

Machado, Mia Brandão, Passainte Ibrahim, Paola Ribeiro, Sílvia Fernandes and Thalia Agapaki

(Students of the 12th edition of the FAICC course)

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